Sustainable energy programs
One of the most effective ways of reducing carbon footprint is to increase energy efficiency. This can be done by reducing fuel consumption, modern thermal insulation and deep retrofitting of buildings or replacing obsolete combustion equipments with more efficient ones. Thanks to sustainable energy projects, energy consumption and thus emissions of harmful substances (GHGs) can be greatly reduced.
Energy that must be produced can be provided from sustainable sources, if possible from renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are solar, geothermal, wind energy and bioenergy. While some projects support the construction of solar power plants, others provide electricity (solar cell) or hot water (solar collector) on a household scale.
The use of geothermal energy can significantly reduce fossil fuel use. This can happen on a smaller scale but projects are typically carried out on a larger scale – targeting a solar power plant.
Some projects, by providing biogas-producing units for households, are able to trigger significant reduction of firewood and fossil fuel use for heating purposes, and at the same time treat livestock manure and other biodegradable waste in an environmentally friendly way. Some projects support the collection and use of landfill gas by transforming it into energy.
Other programs
Sustainable society
Equal access to goods is a basic pillar of a healthy, sustainable society. Projects in this topic focus on poverty-related issues.
Natural environment
Maintaining biodiversity is in the common interest of all of us. Natural habitats increase our quality of life through ecosystem services. Our projects target afforestation and restoring natural wildlife in Hungary.